About the Centre
The life of Christ Church is about worship, witness and service. The main way in which we try to serve our community is through the work of THE CHRIST CHURCH CENTRE.
The Church and the centre are an ideal venue for weddings or special family events and celebrations.
Invalid Displayed Gallery
The centre is part of Christ Church and is situated right next to the church, close to the junction of Reading Road and Station Road, Henley.
- Rooms of various sizes offer facilities suitable for a range of activities.
- There is ample car-parking.
CLICK HERE to see what’s currently on at the centre.
For more information, or to discuss any points relating to terms and rates of hire, please contact our centre manager.
Centre Managers
Our Centre Managers, Anita Pearce and Lucille Perkins, are always to help you and respond to enquiries.
The Christ Church Centre
46 Reading Road
Oxon RG9 1AG
T: 01491-577733
E: managers@christchurchhenley.org.uk