Youth & Children
Family Pop-In
Our family Pop-In meets on the second Saturday of each month 10.30am-12 noon. All are welcome, the activities are especially for children.
Crafts, cookery, Lego, games, finishing with singing and a short act of worship, all based on a Bible story.
For details you can also contact Glyn by email –
Sunday Morning groups:-
Creche (0 – 3yrs)
Babies and children up to 3 years old are cared for in a small room with lots of toys and simple books of Bible stories to interest and amuse them. Helpers and parents can listen to the service through our sound system.
Sparklers (3 – 6yrs)
A group for 3-6 year-olds where children begin to learn about the well-known stories in the Bible through story telling, games, drama and craft activities. Each session starts with the sharing of the children’s news and ends with the offer of a drink and biscuit.
Fireworks (7 – 10yrs)
This group is for children from 7-10+ where they begin to explore the Bible in more depth and have the opportunity to share their opinions and discuss the issues which arise. Teaching takes many different forms to cater for a wide variety of learning styles.
Dynamite – for age 12+
A time for young people to explore and discuss the Christian faith through activities and conversation that provides them the opportunity
to explore the meanings of life experience in the light of Christian faith.