Faith and Fear – Sunday Worship June 28th

Welcome to our Sunday Worship, Lock-down Sunday no. 15. Our Worship is led this morning by Michael and Mary James. You are very welcome to join us for virtual “After-Church Coffee” via Zoom – the link will be at the foot of this page – the link will “go live” at about 11.15am. But first, we worship our loving, living God.

Call to Worship – Psalm 139:8-10
A prayer for grace.

Now a reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans, read by Mary James

Faith and fear, by Leslie Weatherhead.

Sermon by Michael James – “Faith and fear in the year of the pandemic”.

We bring our prayers to God:

“O brother man…” please join in with verses 2-3

“O brother man …” played and sung by Mary James

A closing prayer, followed by the blessing which we say together, apart and together.

Join us for virtual Coffee by clicking on this link:

Meeting ID: 840 8327 5870
Password: 329411

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