Late Spring Bereavement
Support after Bereavement
In September 2017, it was 4 years since Age UK and Christ Church started a new venture called “Late Spring”. The aim is to form a group where it is possible to meet with others who have lost a loved one. Members of the group offer valuable comfort and support to each other and there is an opportunity to remember that, in the midst of pain, there is still life left to live, hence the name Late Spring.
We started with small numbers but the group has grown. New and lasting friendships have been made and new activities and interests discovered. The group is led by Mandy from Age UK ad we meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 1.30 – 3pm. Last Monday we joined Open House for lunch and each session we enjoy tea and cake. My thanks to Edith Gardiner who has given such wonderful support from the start.
If Late Spring appeals to you or you know a friend who might be interested, please contact Sue Kendrick (0118 047 4562)