Sunday January 3rd 2021 Happy New Year!
Welcome to our first service of the new year. Today we look at the story of the Magi travelling from the east and “following the science” as it was then understood. Their science led them to God and to Jesus and that can still happen today. We begin by singing God’s praises:
We bring our prayers to God:
An introduction to the Magi and then Michael will read from Matthew 2:1-12
Kings? If knowledge is power then maybe. We sing the most famous song about the Magi:
Talk by Glyn:
While we ponder, we read and listen to a sadly little-known hymn – “Lord, when the wise men came from far”:
Our prayers for the church and the world as we commence a new year:
And a closing prayer from our Elder Ann Richards
We thank you Lord that life has continued for another year. Let us
become more faithful and trusting in you knowing that while life
changes all around us, you are always the same, guiding us with your
wisdom and protecting us with your love. Amen
Our closing song: “As with gladness men of old …”
There is no better prayer we can offer for each other than simply saying the grace together: