Sunday Worship, February 7th 2021
Welcome to our Sunday morning worship. This week we begin a short series on the Temptation of Jesus as we find it in Luke 4. The struggle with temptation is a universal human experience which will repay exploration. The Zoom link for after-church coffee is down below, but first let’s sing God’s praises:
Our reading is from Luke 4, beginning at verse 1.
We sing “O God, our help in ages past”.
Talk by Glyn:
An audio version if video doesn’t work for for you:
Now we bring to God our prayers for the church and the world. There is a response when I say “Lord in your mercy”, please respond
Hear our prayer.
We close by saying the grace for each other:
To join us for coffee after the service use the link below – the link will be live from 11.30am :
Meeting ID: 816 4420 9915
Passcode: 919437