Welcome to our Sunday Morning worship for Valentine’s Day, not that we shall spend much time on the romantic aspect of it all. We’ll be looking instead at the power of love to reveal hidden glory. Helen is reading our call to worship this morning, from 2 Corinthians 4:5-6
And now we sing:
For our prayers we will use Psalm 19 responsively – please respond with the words in dark-blue.
Our Gospel reading this morning is Mark 9:2-9, read for us by Daniel
An audio-only version for those who can’t receive the video:
And now our prayers for the church and the world, asking God to deepen and broaden our vision by the power of love:
Our closing song – “Shine Jesus shine….”
And now we say the blessing for each other scattered as we are:

You are very welcome to join us for Coffee after the service via Zoom. The link will be live from about 11.30am
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