Easter Celebration 2020
Welcome to our worship for Easter Morning2020 – when we celebrate once again that Jesus is alive. Please click on the arrow for the video and audio parts of the service. If by some chance advertisements pop up, kill ’em with the little X in their corner!
And let’s read together:
The dark clouds of life bring no terror to those in whose hearts your fire is burning brightly. Outside is the darkness, terror and howling of the storm; but in the heart, in the presence of Christ, there is light, peace and silence: Alleluia!
I see your heavens sparkling with stars and sun. How glorious you are, radiant with light! Eternity watches me by the rays of the distant stars. I am small, insignificant, but the Lord is at my side. your right arm guides me wherever I go.
Glory to you for constantly watching over me.
Glory to you for the encounters you arrange for me.
Glory to you for the love of parents, for the faithfulness of friends.
Glory to you for the humbleness of the animals which serve me.
Glory to you for the unforgettable moments of life.
Glory to you for the heart’s innocent joy.
Glory to you for the joy of living moving and being able to return your love. Glory to you, O God, forever and ever!
Glory to you, O God, forever and ever! Amen! Source: Akathist Hymn, Kontakion 5, Antiochian Orthodox
“Sunshine” and “Walking to God” – David reads two poems for us, first one from his granddaughter Satya, and then one written by himself.
A reading from the Gospel of John 20:1-18, read by Robert and Suzanne Farquhar
Sermon – Part 1
Sermon – Part 2. Jesus and Joe Hill
1 Corinthians 15:20-22 20 But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.
Drawback Prayers. The picture below was taken from Drawback Hill yesterday. In the distance are the woods in which our forefathers worshipped and prayed in the 17th century when following Jesus in their way became illegal for some years. Click on the arrow for the prayers.
We close by singing the praises of our risen Lord:
Let’s say this blessing aloud for each other:
God the Father,
by whose glory Christ was raised from the dead,
strengthen us to walk with him
in his risen life;
and may almighty God bless us,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
Below is a gallery of Easter artwork received! With thanks to Hilda, Caroline, Bob, Byron, Matilda and Florence and the Ricketts family.