Following on from the tragedy which has overtaken Beirut this week, it seemed good today to look at a passage where Jesus responds to two smaller-scale but devastating tragedies. We begin as always by singing God’s praises, Nahum Tate’s paraphrase of Psalm 34 – “Through all the changing scenes of life”
And now we bring to God our prayers:
Our reading today (thank you Tom) is from Luke 13:1-5
Talk – Toppling Towers.
Let’s sing …
Let’s pray again:
Our closing song – “In heavenly love abiding…”
And now let’s say the blessing for each other:
You are most welcome to join us for “virtual” coffee after the service via Zoom – the link is below and will go live as soon after 11.30am as possible!
Meeting ID: 869 8040 0744
Passcode: 876265