Sunday Worship August 2nd 2020 – The Foreigner’s Tale.
Welcome to our Sunday morning worship. We continue our Face2Face with Jesus series into John 4, where Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well. You are most welcome to join us for Virtual refreshments after the service via Zoom. The link is at the bottom of this page and will go live at 11.30am or shortly after.
Now we bring to God our prayers:
Our story this morning comes from the Gospel of John 4:1-30 – exactly who is the foreigner in this exchange?
“When peace like a river attendeth my way … “
Talk – The Foreigner’s tale
Our prayers for the church and the world:
Our closing song …
And now we say the Blessing for each other:
You are most welcome to join us for coffee/tea/whatever you have on hand! The link will go live when Glyn has sprinted back from the church, hopefully by 11.30am …….
Meeting ID: 824 7053 8503
Passcode: 196884