Sunday Worship July 19th 2020 – The Sceptic’s story

Welcome to our Sunday morning worship. Because this is running in parallel with our service in the church building the Virtual After-Church Coffee will be a little later than usual, as soon after 11.30am as I can make it! The link is at the foot of this page. Let’s worship our living, loving God.

And now let’s pray together:

Katrina is going to read for us from John1:43-51 – Jesus’ words to Nathanael look back to vision Jacob had of a ladder connecting heaven and earth, and forward to what he achieved on the cross.

And now we sing a song many of us will know from childhood:

A modern Nathanael? Take a look and see what you think.

Talk – The Sceptic’s story.

We bring to God our prayers for the church and the world:

A prayer from Ann Richards

Lord as our lives gradually accept the introduction of the “New
Normal” the quiet we have experienced in the last few months is now
disappearing. The roar of traffic, the sounds of aircraft and daily
life pervade our peace but it still remains a time of uncertainty. We
may feel increasingly pressurised so that our inner peace is disturbed
but if we just pause and be still your presence gives us peace.
Lord at the heart of our Faith we know you are always with us to give
us support and we remember your words from John 14 v 27 Peace is what
I leave with you, it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it
as the world does. Do not be worried and upset, do not be afraid.

Our closing song – “Be thou my vision”

And now let’s say the Blessing for each other:

For our Virtual After-Church Coffee please follow this link:

Meeting ID: 818 6161 8395
Password: 851653

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