Sunday Worship July 26 2020 The Rabbi’s Tale

Welcome to our Sunday Morning Worship on-line. As always you are welcome to join us for coffee after the service – the link will be at the bottom of the page. But right now we are here to worship a living, loving, holy God – Let’s sing his praises:

And now we bring our prayers to God:

Our Bible story this morning is from John 3, where a member of the Jewish Council comes to talk to Jesus when it is dark – Melinda will read to us:

Talk – The Rabbi’s Tale.

Some music from the late great Nina Simone while we ponder …..

We bring our prayers for the church and the world.

We close by singing Charles Wesley’s great song about the new birth:

We close by saying the blessing for each other:

You are most welcome to join us for “Virtual Refreshments” via Zoom. The link is below and will go live as soon after 11.30am as possible!

Meeting ID: 889 2782 3231
Passcode: 292124

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