Sunday Worship, March 14th 2021

Welcome to our Sunday Morning Worship. Today we are looking at one day in the life of Jesus – a day which seems to have been fairly typical for the first part of his ministry, but which to us is utterly astonishing. We sing God’s praises in a paraphrase of Psalm 42 – “As the deer pants for the water…”

We bring our prayers to God:

Debbie is going to read to us from Luke 4:31

Talk by Glyn: A day in the life …

An audio version of the same talk:

Our next song is a paraphrase of verses from the wonderful letter Paul wrote to the church at Philippi: “All I once held dear…”

We bring to God our prayers for the church and the world:

Our closing song – “There is a Redeemer” led by a URC choir.

Now let’s say the Grace for each other:

You are very welcome to join us for virtual coffee after the service via Zoom:

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Passcode: 434929

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