Sunday Worship, March 7th 2021

Welcome to our Sunday morning worship. This week we look at the reception Jesus received when he returned to Nazareth, his home town. But Let’s begin by singing God’s praises – “How great Thou art!”

Now we bring our prayers to God, thanking him for what he is and whatb he does, saying sorry for our failures:

Our reading this morning comes from Luke 4.:14 onwards. Jesus was not led astray by Satan in the wilderness. He set out on a very successful ministry of teaching and healing in Galilee … but then he went home to Nazareth ….

“Cancel culture comes to Nazareth” – talk by Glyn

An audio version for those who cannot watch the video:

We sing together “You’re the Word of God the Father”:

Let’s bring our prayers to God:

Now let’s say the Grace for each other:

You are very welcome to join us for ‘Virtual Coffee’ after the service via Zoom – the link will go live at about 11.30am to give you time to put the kettle on!:

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Passcode: 482508

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