Sunday Worship, May 24th – Lockdown Sunday 10!
Welcome to our worship this morning – week 10 of lockdown worship! You are most welcome to join us for virtual after-the-service-coffee via Zoom – the link will be at the foot of the page and just a click should get you there, from 11.15onwards. But first … we have a great God, let’s sing his praises:
And now we thank God and say sorry:
Earlier this week we celebrated the “Ascension” of Jesus, when he was taken up into heaven. You can find the story in Acts 1, but here is a lovely presentation of it:
Debbie is going to read for us from Philippians 2, and then from John 8:
Talk – Park the B.M.W and switch on the lights!
Our prayers for the church and the world
A prayer from Ann Richards (Thank you Ann!)
Let’s say the blessing for each other:
May the Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord Make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you.
The Lord turn his face toward you
and give you his peace.
To join us for virtual coffee after the service via Zoom, follow this link: