Worship for Pentecost 2020

Welcome to our worship for Pentecost, a celebration of the day when God the Holy Spirit descended on the church in wind and flame – the birthday of the church in fact. After the service you are most welcome to join us for “Virtual Coffee”. The link is below and should be live from about 11.15am. Our first hymn is a prayer, asking Jesus for the gift of the Spirit to change us and shape us:

And now we bring our prayers to God.

Our reading this week is Acts 2:1-21 – the words will appear in the video below and I invite you to read the words together aloud as they scroll by …..

Let’s sing again:

Talk by Glyn

Our next song is the prayer of St. Francis:

Now we bring God our prayers for the church and the world:

Blood and Fire! That’s the motto of the Salvation Army, speaking of our dependence on the blood of Christ and the fire of the Spirit. It figures on their banners and badges (see picture below) and their founder, William Booth, wrote our final hymn, still further below:

And now we say the blessing for each other:

You are most welcome to join us after this service for “Virtual Coffee” via Zoom. The link is

Meeting ID: 881 1909 9946
Password: 790993

If you need a link for the Pentecost Quiz at 4pm today, email Glyn.

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