Worship for Trinity Sunday

Welcome to our worship for Trinity Sunday.  And welcome back to Scott Wheeler, our preacher today. As always you are most welcome  to join us for virtual coffee  via Zoom after the service – the link is at the end of the service and will be “live” from about 11.15am

Bible reading: Michael reads to us Genesis 1:1-5 (E.S.V.)

We sing: All creatures of our God and King, a hymn based on a poem by St. Francis of Assisi.

Amelie reads to us 2 Corinthians 13:11-14

And Oliver reads Matthew 28:16-20, often called The Great Commission.

Sermon, by Scott Wheeler

Our prayers for the church and the world

We say the blessing for each other – this is adapted from “St. Patrick’s Breastplate”

Christ be with you, Christ within you,
Christ behind you, Christ before you,
Christ beside you, Christ to win you,
Christ to comfort and restore you.
Christ beneath you, Christ above you,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love you,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.

You are most welcome to join us or post-service coffee via Zoom. Click on the link below and things should happen!

Meeting ID: 867 9430 1978
Password: 161934

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